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SDN Chapter News Nordic Service Design – Skåne Screening

Nordic Service Design – Skåne Screening

The award-winning documentary on Nordic Service Design is attracting huge audiences. The nordic SDN chapters Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark have put the spotlight on great work; to connect, celebrate and promote Nordic Service Design, highlighting the expertise of the designers and their relevance worldwide.

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SDN Chapter News Nordic Service Design Network

Nordic Service Design Network

The manifesto, which was signed by a small governance group, which represents the Nordic countries / SDN chapters and different perspectives from academia, business, public sector and consultancies.

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SDN Chapter News Veckans Affärer article on Service Design

Veckans Affärer article on Service Design

“Tjänstedesign är det nya svarta”

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SDN Chapter News First Service Design PechaKucha was a great success

First Service Design PechaKucha was a great success

Well attended by fantastic people, inspiring discussions and good networking the PechaKucha was a great success.

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