About Katie Murrie

Katie Murrie
Dundee | United Kingdom


Katie Murrie Service Design Academy - Dundee and Angus College, Lead Consultant, Service Design Academy
Lead Consultant for the Service Design Academy, committee member for SDN-UK Chapter and co-founder of #SDinED network actively using service design to shape education for the future. I am passionate about building capacity and educating the world in Service Design.

To me, service design means...

My passion and enthusiasm for Service Design comes from the positive effects and impact that I have witnessed being involved with a range of projects. Dundee and Angus College have fully embraced service design and we are looking at how we can build this into our curriculum as well as our services. My interests in service design are fundamentally around building capacity, educating others and spreading my love for service design.

Katie’s contributions

How to contribute
Case Study
Touchpoint Article TP14-1 Furnishing Fun

TP14-1 Furnishing Fun

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Touchpoint Issue Touchpoint Vol.14 No.1 - The Employee Journey

Touchpoint Vol.14 No.1 - The Employee Journey

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